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Celebrate Free Speech Week with FIRE and Students For Liberty!

This year, FIRE has partnered with Students For Liberty (SFL) to sponsor Free Speech Week, April 1-8. During Free Speech Week, students on college and university campuses across the country will celebrate by hosting activism events to promote free speech in academia, and we at FIRE are excited to help!

The Free Speech Week page lists many resources for students who want to get involved. SFL is providing Free Speech Week activism kits to any student or student group who requests them, free of charge. These kits include FIRE's Guide to Free Speech On Campus, as well as buttons and stickers, pocket Constitutions, and other assorted literature. There are just a few days left to order activism kits (the last day is Thursday, March 29), so be sure to fill out your order online soon.

Additionally, SFL is offering grants of up to $200 for free speech events to be held on campus. These include, but are certainly not limited to: 

For more information, contact Kelly Jemison at

FIRE will also be celebrating next week. We are launching our new webinar series on Tuesday with a presentation about case law and free speech on campus by FIRE's Director of Legal and Public Advocacy Will Creeley. Anyone can tune in to hear Will on Tuesday, April 3, at 6 p.m. Eastern. You can register for the webinar here

Additionally, FIRE staff will be speaking at several campuses across the country next week. It is on track to match our previous record for the busiest week in FIRE Speakers Bureau history!

We hope that all students and FIRE supporters will take part in Free Speech Week to help ensure that student and faculty rights are protected on campus. Although this week will come and go, student rights on campus need your help year-round. If you haven't already, join FIRE's Campus Freedom Network to learn how you can stay involved by hosting events, writing op-eds, challenging campus speech codes, and much, much more.

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