IT Use Guideline – Computer and Network Use

University of Alabama

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    Internet Usage Policies
  • Last updated
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Your use of the account indicates your agreement to use it in accordance with all local, state, and federal laws and all University of Alabama policies....

To ensure access and service for all users, account holders must refrain from any action which interferes with the system, such as:

  • Using computer or network services for commercial purposes or for profit
  • Sending excessive e-mail locally or over the network such as chain letters, advertisements or solicitations


    Computer systems and networks allow for a free exchange of ideas and information. This exchange serves to enhance learning, teaching, critical thinking and research. While the constitutional right of free speech applies to communication in all forms, we encourage civil and respectful discourse.


    Responsible users will contribute positively to a free and open atmosphere for electronic discussion. Cruelty, obscenity, crudity, and offensiveness, for the sake of offensiveness, have no place in the public discourse of a University community, but not all emotionally hurtful, offensive or inconsiderate conduct is or ought to be subject to official punishment. Nevertheless, as members of the University community, we are all responsible to one another and to the thinking and thoughtful community of which each of us ought to be a valuable part. Responsible users will be considerate of other users of computer resources and facilities.Users may not use any University of Alabama workstation with the intent to intimidate, harass, or display hostility toward others. Users are also asked to be sensitive to the displaying of material that others might find offensive. Persons violating these guidelines in public facilities may be asked to leave the premises. University faculty, staff, and students also may be subject to disciplinary action.
