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Register for April Webinar on FIRE’s 2013 Legislative Agenda

At the end of 2013, the Higher Education Act will expire and Congress will set out on the task of reauthorizing this important legislation. For our April webinar, "From Free Speech Zones to Facebook Privacy: FIRE's 2013 Legislative Agenda," Legislative & Policy Director Joe Cohn will explain FIRE's ongoing efforts to improve free speech and due process on campus through legislation. Specifically, Joe will discuss provisions that can be incorporated into the reauthorization to protect student and faculty rights. These include:

  • Provisions to establish once and for all that all open spaces on public universities are in fact free speech zones; 
  • Language to ensure that speech codes define harassment in a manner consistent with Supreme Court precedent; and
  • Password protection, to prevent colleges and universities from demanding access to private email and social networking accounts.

FIRE webinars are free and open to all. Be sure to join us on Thursday, April 25 at 4 p.m. EDT!

From Free Speech Zones to Facebook Privacy: FIRE's 2013 Legislative Agenda

When: Thursday, April 25, 4 p.m. EDT

Where: On your computer! 

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