California State University - Bakersfield
Public University
Bakersfield, California
Speech Code Rating
Student Housing and Residence Life Policy: Disorderly Conduct
Behaviors whether through conduct or expression which are not civil or respectful and which breach the peace within or around the residence halls or at any residence hall related function are not permitted.
Student Housing and Residence Life Policy: Harassment
Verbal, written, electronic, or other types of harassment - including, but not limited to, sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious harassment, intimidation or physical abuse that threatens, endangers, causes injury, distress, or emotional and/or physical discomfort of community members and/or Residential Life staff…
Student Code of Conduct: Standards for Student Conduct
Use of computing facilities and resources to send obscene or intimidating and abusive messages.
Behavioral Assessment Intervention and Response Team: Types of BART Referrals
Types of BART Referrals Aggressive, threatening, or intimidating behaviors: ... An unreasonable interest and/or frequent discussions of violence. Art, stories, or essays focused on the above themes.
CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation (Nondiscrimination Policy): Federal Mandated Hearing Process Prohibited Conduct Defined
The following definitions of prohibited conduct apply to cases that are determined by the campus Title IX Coordinator as meeting the requirements to proceed under Track 1 of the procedures accompanying this Nondiscrimination Policy. Sexual Harassment means conduct on the basis of…
Use of University Property and Time, Place and Manner Regulations: Scope of This Policy
Each activity will be considered on a case-by-case basis to determine appropriate staffing and other security and safety measures based on content and viewpoint neutral factors and objective and credible evidence of specific risks (including, as appropriate, the activity’s proposed location, estimated…