Bias Reporting

Colorado State University

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
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The Bias Reporting System is an effort to understand and assess the current state of bias-related incidents at Colorado State University in order to better meet the needs of our diverse community. It serves three core purposes:

  • Support
    • First and foremost, individuals who are targeted by perceived bias-related incidents are offered critical support as they work through their own process and feelings. Our Bias Assessment Team sends optional support resources to individuals who report an incident of bias, or who are named as a target, if contact information is provided.
  • Education
    • Secondly, the Bias Reporting System allows us to engage in optional conversations with individuals and groups who, whether intentionally or not, may have caused harm to others related to some form of bias. These conversations are rooted in education and aim to provide critical context to why an action may be perceived as biased. In order to do better we must know better.
  • Assessment
    • Finally, by assessing reported incidents and tracking the data annually, we are able to understand the climate of Colorado State University as it relates to bias. This data informs and helps shape training programs and educational opportunities for the university community.


Please be aware, however, that just because a member of our community finds the expression of ideas, thoughts and differing points of view, including ideas or views that may be controversial to some people. Learn more about the First Amendment and the University.


Bias-related incident reports are not intended to replace existing processes for reporting and addressing acts of discrimination, harassment, or violence, including but not limited to, processes of the Office of Human Resources, the Office of Equal Opportunity, Student Resolution Center, Support and Safety Assessment, and the CSU Police Department.
