Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Private University
Troy, New York
Speech Code Rating
Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights & Responsibilities: Sign Policy
This policy was developed to regulate the style, content, and posting of signs and posters as a means of reducing the litter and visual clutter on campus. ... A. The Institute reserves the right to remove signs deemed to be graphically inappropriate…
Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights & Responsibilities: Rules for Maintenance of Public Order
No person or persons shall use, in public, language or gestures which are unreasonably abusive or obscene.
Rensselaer Student Living and Learning Policies: Signs and Advertising
Signs must not contain anything that maligns any person or group as determined by the Institute. ... The name of the group or person posting the sign must be on each sign.
Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights & Responsibilities: Rules for Maintenance of Public Order
Academic freedom is essential to a university community. Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are essential to academic freedom.
Rensselaer Handbook of Student Rights & Responsibilities: Student Bill of Rights
The student is a citizen of the nation at large, and the Institute shall not impede or obstruct students in the exercise of their fundamental rights as citizens.