Troy University
Public University
Troy, Alabama
Speech Code Rating
Student Handbook: Advertising, Distribution of Literature, Notices and other Printed Materials
• Organizations or individuals proposing to distribute printed materials on the campus must obtain permission from the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership (Troy) or the Student Services Office (other campuses).
Student Handbook: Standards of Conduct
16. Harassment • speech or other expression (words, pictures, symbols) that constitutes fighting words and is sufficiently severe, pervasive, or persistent so as to interfere, limit, or deny one’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program. Fighting words may…
Student Handbook: Free Speech and Assembly Policy
[S]tudents, administrators, faculty, and staff are free to take positions on public controversies and to engage in protected expressive activity in outdoor areas of the campus, and to spontaneously and contemporaneously assemble, speak, and distribute literature. ... Outdoor Forums. Nothing in this…
Student Handbook: Free Speech and Assembly Policy- Policy Statement
Troy University recognizes and supports the role of a university as a marketplace for ideas. Freedom of expression and public assembly are essential components of the education process. Troy University is committed to its function as an institution in which stakeholders discover…