Handbook of Operating Procedures: 9.37 Peaceful Public Assembly

University of Texas at San Antonio

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University staff, faculty and students may peaceably assemble and engage in expressive activity anywhere on the UTSA campuses that they are otherwise permitted to be without advanced permission, subject to the time, place and manner rules necessary to preserve the equal rights of others and the other functions of the University, and so long as they do not disrupt University business or operations.


Persons or organizations who are planning a public assembly are strongly encouraged to notify and consult with Events Management and Conference Services (EMCS) as soon as practicable. EMCS has experience in helping student organizations structure events in ways that both comply with the University's rules and achieve the organization's goals for the event. EMCS can help identify appropriate space and potentially conflicting events, as well as help the planners avoid unintended disruption or other violations.
