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FIRE's Spotlight Database
FIRE’s Spotlight Database rates policies that regulate student expression at 486 colleges and universities. Public institutions bound by the First Amendment and private schools that promise free speech rights are rated as “green light,” “yellow light,” or “red light” institutions based on the extent to which they restrict free speech. “Warning” schools are private institutions that clearly prioritize other values above free speech.

As each college's Spotlight rating is based on written policies, it does not take other institutional actions into account. This does not preclude FIRE from taking action in defense of student and faculty rights. You can find more information about specific incidents of censorship and violations of due process on each school’s entry.
If the school you are looking for is not included in the database, you can request more information about its speech codes by filling out this form.
Spotlight on Speech Codes 2024
Nearly 9 in 10 top U.S. colleges and universities have at least one policy that restricts student speech. Do you know which ones? FIRE’s 2024 Spotlight on Speech Codes report rates 489 of America’s top colleges and universities on the degree to which their policies restrict student speech.