Speech Code Rating

Residence Hall Policies: Disruptive Behavior

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  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last Updated
Behavior that causes harm, alarm, or disturbance is prohibited and further outlined below: … Other discriminatory harassment: engaging in unwelcome conduct against a person on the basis of that person’s race, ethnicity, or other protected status, which has the purpose or effect…

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Internet Usage Policies
  • Last Updated
Engage in inappropriate use, including but not limited to: Activities that violate state or federal laws, regulations, or University policies. Harassment Widespread dissemination of unsolicited and unauthorized electronic communications. ... Harassment Use of University information technology resources in ways that have the…

Board of Regents Policy: Student Conduct Code

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Bullying Policies
  • Last Updated
Bullying means aggressive behavior directed at another person that causes stress or harm and that is repeated over time, including but not limited to assaulting, defaming, terrorizing, making obscene gestures, or invading privacy.

Board of Regents Policy: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking and Relationship Violence

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last Updated
Sexual harassment shall mean unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex under the following conditions: … Hostile environment sexual harassment: When conduct is severe, persistent or pervasive and: (1)unreasonably interferes with an individual’s employment or educational performance, (2) creates a work or…

Using and Leasing University Outdoor Space: Twin Cities

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last Updated
Assemblies Rallies, demonstrations, or other gatherings of fewer than 100 participants are allowed without a permit in the following outdoor spaces or immediately adjacent to these spaces and buildings: Coffman Memorial Union Plaza Gateway Plaza at McNamara Alumni Center Northrop Plaza St…

Board of Regents Policy: Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Stalking and Relationship Violence: Title IX Sexual Harassment

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
  • Last Updated
Title IX sexual harassment is a subset of sexual harassment that occurs in the United States and: (1) on campus; (2) as part of the University’s operations; (3) in locations, events or circumstances over which the University exercised substantial control over both…