Speech Code Rating

Community Standards: Chapter I. College Standards- Section 1. Amherst College Honor Code, Statement of Student Rights

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    Advertised Commitments to Free Expression
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Subject to respect for the rights of others, every student enjoys the assurance of the full exercise of those rights expressed in the Honor Code and the preceding three Statements, including, but not limited to, the following specific rights: 1.4.1. The right…

Community Standards: Chapter I. College Standards- Section 1. Amherst College Honor Code, Statement of Freedom of Expression and Dissent

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    Advertised Commitments to Free Expression
  • Last Updated
Amherst prizes and defends freedom of speech and dissent. It affirms the right of teachers and students to teach and learn free from coercive force and intimidation and subject only to the constraints of reasoned discourse and peaceful conduct. It also recognizes…