Bias Incident Reporting

Ball State University

  • Speech Code Rating
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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
  • Last updated
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A bias incident is a behavior or act—verbal, written, or physical—that is personally directed against or targets an individual or group based on any of the following characteristics, perceived or actual, as defined below.

  • race
  • color
  • religious belief
  • sex
  • marital status
  • sexual orientation
  • gender identity or expression
  • national or ethnic origin
  • disability
  • veteran status
  • age

Bias incidents differ from a hate crime in that no criminal activity is involved.

Insensitivity or the expression of an idea some may find offensive are not necessarily bias-related incidents. Bias incidents are a singular or perpetual action and/or language that limits or threatens the ability of an individual to work, study, or participate in the campus environment.

Some bias incidents may result in a formal university compliant such as reports of discrimination, sexual misconduct, or other violations of university policy or law.
