EWU Policy 901-04: Bullying Prevention and Response

Eastern Washington University

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Eastern Washington University will not tolerate bullying behavior, as defined below, directed toward any member of the university community or to any person on university property.


Bullying:  Bullying is behavior that is:

  • Intentional;
  • targeted at an individual or group; and,
  • creates an intimidating and/or threatening environment that is so severe or pervasive, and objectively offensive, that it substantially interferes with another’s ability to work, study, participate in, or benefit from the university’s programs and activities.

The following examples of bullying behaviors are prohibited and punishable only when the conduct meets the definition of bullying above.

Bullying behavior may take many forms, including, but not limited to, physical, verbal, or written acts or behaviors. It may also manifest as excluding behavior such as ignoring or dismissing individuals or groups.

In determining whether conduct is severe or pervasive, the University will consider all relevant circumstances from both an objective and subjective perspective including the type of bullying (verbal or physical); the frequency and severity of the conduct; the age, sex, and relationship of the individual involved; the degree to which the conduct affected the victim; the setting and context in which the conduct occurred; whether other incidents have occurred at the University; and other relevant factors.

Offensive behaviors may include, but are not limited to, inappropriate behaviors such as abusive language, derogatory remarks, insults, or epithets. Other offensive behaviors may include the use of condescending, humiliating, or vulgar language, swearing, shouting or use of unsuitable language, use of obscene gestures, or mocking.
