University Policy 4.2.2: Campus Free Speech

Florida Atlantic University

  • Speech Code Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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Organizations and persons may organize, conduct, or participate in demonstrations and other exercises of free speech and assembly on University grounds, except:
a. Grounds immediately adjacent to residential facilities;
b. Grounds associated with the Baldwin House;
c. Athletic and recreational fields, including any facilities operated by Campus Recreation;
d. Grounds immediately adjacent to University buildings where such use could impair entrance to or exit from the building or interfere with activities within the buildings;
e. Grounds within 200 feet of the University operated child care centers, elementary schools, middle schools, or high schools; and
f. University streets and roadways.


In order that demonstrations and other exercises of free speech and assembly not materially and substantially disrupt the operation of the University or the rights of others, any person or organization organizing, conducting, leading, or participating in a demonstration, assembly, or activity using University grounds or other facilities shall not:

a. Obstruct vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian traffic;
b. Obstruct entrances or exits to buildings or driveways or impede entry to or exit from any building or parking lot or vehicular path;
c. Interfere with educational, research or administrative activities inside or outside any building;
d. Violate a law, rule, regulation, ordinance, or University policy;
e. Engage in physically abusive or threatening conduct towards any person;
f. Obstruct, disrupt, or attempt or physically force the cancellation or continuance of a speaker;
g. Interfere with scheduled University ceremonies or events;
h. Damage property;
i. Utilize sound amplification;
j. Occupy space overnight;
k. Occupy any gated or limited access areas after permitted access hours;
l. Erect permanent or semi-permanent structures; or
m. Create a safety hazard.
