Hillsdale College 2022-2023 Catalog: Regulations for Proper Student Conduct

Hillsdale College

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The following regulations express the basic requirements of our partnership. A violation of these regulations is a break in the Honor Code and one’s partnership with the College. The College will follow the Procedure for Student Discipline for any of the following offenses, and other offenses not specifically described in these regulations that violate the spirit of the partnership, as well as the Honor Code. Violations may result in disciplinary actions up to and including suspension or expulsion.


6. Behavior that—on the part of individuals or student organizations—violates the bounds of common decency and civility or the high moral standards entailed in the College Mission; interferes with the open dialogue fostered by the partnership between the College and its students; disrupts the climate of academic reflection and discourse proper to serious study; or that attempts to undermine or disrupt the academic, religious, or moral commitments entailed in the Mission of the College or the policies pursuant to those commitments.


8. Disorderly, lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression, including the inordinate display of affection. This extends to movies and other entertainment shown on campus or sponsored by student organizations. There is significant latitude in understanding this requisite decency, especially in light of thematic or aesthetic criteria. Nevertheless, the College has the responsibility to avoid sponsoring or otherwise promoting pornographic or otherwise dehumanizing films or media.

9. Improper, offensive, abusive, disparaging, threatening, lewd, indecent, pornographic, or obscene conduct, communication or material on an online social network or third-party website, cell phone, email, Twitter, Facebook, blog, or other social media.
