Student Expression: Act- Plan an Event

Idaho State University

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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Whether you're a recognized club or organization on campus, a student group, or individual student - our goal is to ensure that you're able to plan a successful event or protest. Expressing your point of view is your First Amendment right, but there are many things to consider when using amplified sound, bringing a controversial speaker to campus, or displaying symbolic structures on campus. When planning an event, we recommend registered student clubs or organizations to make space reservations. Once space is reserved, the office of Student Leadership and Engagement can provide logistical support and guidance, including help with time, place and manner regulations.

Steps to Planning an Event in the Pond Student Union, Rendezvous, or Quad
1. Submit an Event Request Form
2. Reserve space on campus*


*Public Forum, reserving space on campus for an event or protest is strongly encouraged in order to ensure that a location for outdoor assembly at a specific date and time. Protests are not required to go through Scheduling and Event Services, although, an individual or group with a reservation will have priority in the use of the location.
