FAQ: Campus Climate

Iowa State University

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
  • Last updated
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What is a reportable incident?
Reportable incidents include:

  • Sexual offenses, including abuse, violence, assault, misconduct
  • Sexual harassment, including stalking
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Interpersonal (relationship) violence
  • All hate crimes
  • Discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on any protected status
  • If you are unsure whether the conduct at issue is something that should be reported through the Campus
  • Climate Reporting System (CCRS), talk to someone in the Equal Opportunity Office (515-294-7612) for help with questions you may have.

Incidents that are criminal in nature should be reported to the Iowa State University Police (515-294-4428) in addition to the CCRS.


What is the definition of a bias incident?

Bias incidents reflect a similar motivation as hate crimes but may not reach the legal threshold of criminality. Examples of bias incidents can include taunting, verbal harassment, bullying, intimidation, or the posting or circulating of demeaning jokes or documents. Although they are not considered hate crimes, these are serious incidents that can have long-lasting, serious effects on the Iowa State University community.


What is the difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault?

Sexual assault is a type of sexual harassment ... Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive environment.
