Dean of Students Office: Bias Response Team

Missouri State University

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
  • Last updated
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The BRT will provide an organized and coordinated method of assessment of the severity of an incident or situation affecting the University community. The BRT determines the need to refer the incident to the appropriate University official or committee.  Any BRT response will be educational at its core.  Voluntary interventions may include a variety of activities including discussion, mediation, training, counseling and consensus building. The BRT will not seek to discipline individuals for expression of views protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Because Missouri State values diversity and inclusion, it will provide educational opportunities for those engaging in speech contrary to those values and support to those affected by it.


Bias can be defined as language or behaviors that demonstrate bias against persons or groups because of ability, race, color, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, faith, national origin, political orientation, or sexual orientation, in which the perpetrator(s) cannot be identified and/or the acts of bias do not rise to the level of discrimination or harassment for purposes of Title IX. An example of bias might be graffiti appearing on the wall of a commonly used space on campus.
