Missouri State University
Public University
Springfield, Missouri
Speech Code Rating
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities: Proscribed Conduct
Discriminatory Harassment, which is unwelcome conduct directed toward another person or an identifiable group of persons on the basis of race, color, national origin (including ancestry, or any other subcategory of national origin recognized by applicable law), religion, sex (including marital status…
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student Rights
Federal and State constitutional guarantees of free inquiry, expression and assembly are specifically restated as guarantees on this campus.
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student Responsibilities
The search for knowledge can only take place within an atmosphere of open exchange. Open exchange can only take place in an environment of respect and civility. The university has an economically, culturally and ethnically diverse population. Students are encouraged to respect…
Expressive Activity Policy
Missouri State University is committed to providing an environment where issues can be openly discussed and explored. The freedom to exchange views is essential to the mission of the university. This policy is in place to provide a community environment in which…