Student Guide: Picketing & Assembling Policy

State University Of New York - University at Buffalo

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
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The University supports individuals’ rights to assemble. Public assemblies (protests, picketing, etc.) are permitted. Those members of the University community who feel compelled to express their dissent through picketing and other forms of demonstration must adhere to the following parameters:

  • Picketing and assembling must not violate the provisions of the Rules for the Maintenance of Public Order of the SUNY Board of Trustees.
  • Picketing and assembling must following campus guidelines, including:
    • Picketing and assembling must be orderly at all times and should in no way jeopardize public order or safety or interfere with the University's programs.
    • Picketing or assembling must not interfere with entrances to buildings or the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
    • Those involved in picketing or assembling may not interfere by mingling with organized meetings or other assemblies.
    • Picketing or assembling may not obstruct or physically interfere with the integrity of the classroom, the privacy of the university housing, or the functioning of the physical plant.
    • Amplifying equipment is prohibited.
    • Indoor picketing or assemblies may be granted permission to utilize a specified area within the Student Union or Harriman Hall.
    • Any person or group may contact Student Unions (phone: 716-645-2055) to inquire about space reservation on the property of the University at Buffalo.
    • Assemblies cannot last more than one day, duration not to exceed 12 hours in one day. No overnight assemblies/assemblies are allowed.
    • Indoor and outdoor encampment is prohibited.