Code of Conduct: Cyberbullying

Towson University

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    Bullying Policies
  • Last updated
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Cyberbullying is a form of harassment directed towards another person(s) or organization(s) directly or indirectly via online or other technology including but not limited to e-mail, text messages, social media, discussion board platforms, electronic, or other social networking sites that have the effect of causing reasonable fear of harm or damage to a person or property; creating a hostile environment; materially and substantially disrupting the education process or the orderly operations; intimidating; humiliating; harassing; harming; embarrassing; or damaging person(s) or organization(s). This includes acts or behaviors that are severe, persistent, repeated, badgering, or pervasive and may include signs; signals; writing; images; sounds; data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part; or the impersonation of another. Cyberbullying does not include speech that is protected by freedom of expression.
