Rights and Obligations of Speakers, Audience Members and Protesters at Public Presentations of the University of Michigan-Dearborn

University of Michigan - Dearborn

  • Speech Code Rating
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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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UM-Dearborn has no obligation to ensure audience access to public events, to protect the rights of the speaker and those who wish to hear and communicate with the speaker, and to provide all with personal security.


The broadcast [sic] range of speech and expression will be tolerated in public forums in order to facilitate the discussion and debate of ideas and issues. However, the intentional use of racial, ethnocentric or sexual invectives, epithets, slurs or utterances directly to attach or injure another individual rather than express or discuss an idea of philosophy are beyond the boundaries of protected speech. Additionally, malicious and intentional verbal threats of violence directed towards an individual, physical violence and destruction of property are misconduct and will be subject to discipline.
