Bias Education and Response Team

University of Mississippi

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
  • Last updated
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While freedom of expression and the open exchange of ideas are important to the University  of Mississippi, actions and behaviors that are bias-motivated, prejudiced, or otherwise disrespectful can negatively impact individuals or groups. 

Bias-related incidents are defined as alleged threats or acts of harassment or intimidation, whether verbal, written or physical, which are motivated by a bias against a person or property in whole or in part because of that person’s age, color, ability, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), socioeconomic status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, veteran status, family medical or genetic makeup or information, intellectual perspective, criminal background and potentially other identities or identifiers.


BERT is not an investigative, adjudicatory, or disciplinary body and does not function in lieu of any disciplinary or complaint processes within or outside of the University.

In addition to filing an incident with BERT, individuals may also file a complaint with the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution, University Police Department, Equal Opportunity and Regulatory Compliance, or other appropriate offices. If a report is made to these offices, they will determine jurisdiction and investigate alleged or potential violations of policy and/or law if warranted. However, is important for you to know that some bias-motivated, prejudice or otherwise disrespectful acts may be constitutionally protected speech and thus not subject to University disciplinary action or formal investigation. 


The Bias Education and Report Team is a non-judicial team of faculty, staff, and administrators which supports members of the University of Mississippi community who bring forward allegations of bias ...

BERT does not:

  • Make determinations about policy violations and/or crimes
  • Investigate, adjudicate, or take the place of any other University of Mississippi processes or services
  • Make criminal referrals