Free Speech, Demonstration and Protest Policy

University of Southern Mississippi

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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1. The University has established high visibility areas on campus in order to facilitate robust debate and the free exchange of ideas. These Free Speech Zones may be used by any person, including non-students and other campus guests:

1. Hattiesburg Campus:
1. Shoemaker Square Fountain (Paved area immediately surrounding the fountain and labeled as A on the attached map)
2. Pedestrian Plaza (area on the west end of Pedestrian Plaza and labeled as B on the attached map)
3. Weathersby Law (area on west quadrant of Weathersby Lawn and labeled as C on the attached map)
4. Centennial Green (area on the southwest corner of Centennial Green and labeled as D on the attached map)
5. Union Plaza (area east of the Hub and labeled as E on the attached map)


Areas defined in Section 1.0 may be used without permission from the University by students, faculty or staff so long as they have not been previously reserved or scheduled for a particular function, no sound amplification is used, no structure is erected, and the participants do not violate other University policies.


5. Individual students, faculty or staff have the right of free expression anywhere on campus so long as the expressive activities or related conduct does not violate any other applicable University policies.

6. If a student organization or an individual student anticipates that an event may impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic or will involve a parade, march or other similar activity, the University requires the student organization or individual student to complete an event form through the Office of Leadership and Student Involvement (LSI) at least three (3) days in advance of the activity. ... [T]he purpose of this policy is to promote and facilitate student expression while allowing the University to make any necessary arrangements (such as arranging parade routes, providing security) to assure such activities do not interfere with the University's mission and operations or with the rights of others.
