Posting Policy in Academic Buildings

University of Wisconsin - Green Bay

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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1. Flyers or other printed promotional materials posted in academic buildings on the University campus are subject to the restrictions on of this policy. Posting on walls, doors or in other areas not set forth in this policy is prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in the removal of the posting and potential sanction against the offending party.
2. Posting in the Academic Buildings shall be limited to groups recognized by the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and for the promotion of events directly sponsored by those groups. Posting by non-University groups or solicitations or advertisement of non-University events will be removed.


5. Poster specifications:
a. All postings must contain, in clear and conspicuous lettering, the following information:
1. The university sponsor of the event
2. The date and time of the event
3. The name of the event and its purpose
4. Location of the event
b. No posting may exceed 17" x 11" with no restrictions on configuration.
c. If larger than 17" x 11," see Banner Policy.
d. Must comply with the University Alcohol Policy.
e. If a poster topic deals with sensitive topics, such as sexual assault, harassment, self-defense, etc., a copy must be sent to the Dean of Students Office.

6. Procedure
a. Student Life will monitor Applicable Boards listed in paragraph 1 to ensure policy compliance and remove postings on a regular basis to preserve order and proper rotation of materials. Student Life has sole discretion to remove items violating University Policy without notice to the sponsor.
b. The Dean of Students Office will be notified with complaints regarding alleged offensive nature of a posting.
