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Clear and Present Danger podcast – The great disruption: Part 2

In episode 11, we continue to survey the wreckage after hurricane Luther was unleashed on Europe with the Reformation. When the Reformation mutated and spread across the continent,  burning questions arose: Could people of different faiths live together in the same state? Should social peace be based on tolerance or intolerance? We look into those and other questions such as:

  • How did other Protestant reformers like Calvin and Zwingli react to religious dissent?
  • In what manner did English and continental censorship laws differ?
  • How did the Catholic Church react to the Reformation?
  • Which states were the first to formalize religious tolerance?
  • How did the scientific and philosophical ideas of Galileo and Giordano Bruno conflict with the religious monopoly on truth, and what were the repercussions?

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