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Four resolutions for an expressive new year

4 Resolutions for an expressive new year

It’s that time of year again: a time of reflection, of contemplation, of digging last year’s crumpled fitness regimen out of the trash, smoothing it out, and trying again. 

In 2023, FIRE can’t spot you at the gym — or make sure you go — but we can help you improve your intellectual fitness, mental fortitude, and conceptual dexterity when it comes to the issue of free expression. That’s why we’re offering some friendly suggestions to help you flex your free speech muscles in the new year.

So grab a pencil and a notebook and put on your favorite thinking cap. It’s time to get FIRE’d up about free speech in 2023.

1. Exercise . . . your right to free expression.

Are you passionate about a cause, a topic, or a field of study? Do you live in the United States? If so, you’re in luck. The First Amendment to the Constitution protects your right to express yourself freely — or to say nothing at all. So express yourself! Through words, images, sounds, and — yes — sometimes even silence, you can participate in the time-honored process by which new ideas are formed, tested, and refined. 

2. Travel . . . beyond your ideological bubble.

Take a trip that doesn’t require packing bags, planning meals, or arranging for the neighbor kid to feed your cat: Explore the perspective of someone who thinks differently than you (who is not your cat). Whether talking to a friend, listening to an unfamiliar news or opinion source, or reading a book that challenges your preconceptions, you’ll depart with some valuable takeaways — even if the journey isn’t scenic. 

Better yet, if you’re a student, start or join one of FIRE’s “Let’s Talk” groups on your campus. These groups, designed to facilitate constructive conversation, are the perfect spaces to test out your ideas and try others’ on for size.

3. Spend less . . . time in futile arguments.

If time is money, many of us with a Twitter account went broke in 2022, keeping up with “the discourse.” If last year’s 280-character witticisms didn’t change hearts and minds — or worse, if your real-life intellectual battles resulted in relationship casualties, don’t despair: There is a better way. Help foster a free speech culture by getting to know yourself. By critically examining our own argumentative tendencies and ideological blind-spots, we can treat disagreements as learning opportunities instead of zero-sum games, recognizing that when free expression wins, we all do.

Get started by taking FIRE’s “Discovering your Disagreement Style” quiz. Here, you’ll gain insight on your approach to contentious topics, identifying your strengths and areas for improvement.

4. Get organized.

Now you have a treasure trove of knowledge, insight, and energy. Don’t let it end up like my high school yearbook, sandwiched between a sports participation trophy and a moth-eaten blanket in a dark corner of the attic. It’s time to dust it off and polish it up — through engaging with others. By connecting with people who share your passion for free speech, you’ll deepen your understanding of the issues and contribute to making positive change on your campus, in your workplace, or in the culture.

To accomplish this task, look no further than FIRE’s website. If you’re a student, consider joining FIRE’s Student Network or Student Defenders. Faculty member? Meet the Faculty Network. Lawyer? Consider joining FIRE’s Legal Network. Whoever you are, finding an opportunity that sparks your interest and matches your skills just takes a little digging.

Should you decide, in 2023, to take up the mantle of helping secure First Amendment rights — or, simply, of becoming a more effective speaker and generous listener — you’re in for a rewarding year. Like wearing that special holiday sweater your grandma picked out “just for you,” you won’t always feel comfortable, but you will feel warm and fuzzy inside. 

Knowing your actions help create a more interesting, informed, and — yes — peaceful society, rest easy this holiday season. After you’ve tested your mettle with these resolutions, take some time to kick back, relax, and curl up by the FIRE. We’ll keep bringing the heat if you keep tending the flame.

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