Table of Contents

FIRE can already reach me. Why do you want my number and permission to text?

Texting is the best way to reach a critical mass of our strongest supporters. If there’s a crisis that requires immediate attention from free speech defenders, texts will be our first choice for raising the alarm. Most people will see a text within an hour of receiving it. 

Does FIRE really need to text me?

No. You have total control, and we don’t expect to get everyone’s number. Many people don’t like to receive text messages, and that’s fine.

Since FIRE defends the right of free speech and expression for all, including speech that some find offensive, we risk being deplatformed. If a social media channel or email service provider decides you should not get our message, you won’t. When you give us your number and permission to text, these risks are minimized. 

Who will be able to text me?

Just FIRE. You can also review FIRE’s full Privacy Policy here.

If I decide I don’t want these texts, how do I get them to stop? 

Just tell us. Reply STOP and you are off the list. You can, of course, choose to come back any time.

How does FIRE send texts?

We use Community, an SMS service used by many top companies, celebrities, sports teams, restaurant chains, and more. You can learn more about Community’s privacy policies here.

If I give you my phone number, does that replace email?

No, texting is supplemental. Email is a different avenue of communication. We are giving you more options.  

What are FIRE Texts like?

Quick messages that give you an opportunity to take action to advance the cause of free expression. So, less background and no deep dives. We have a website for that.

How often will you text me?

We don’t expect to send you more than one text a week, and you may go weeks without getting any. We will do what we can to keep each message efficient and brief. 

Who writes FIRE Texts?

FIRE staff and management who spend each and every day defending your free speech rights. (No robots!)

Where can I learn more about the issues that FIRE texts me about?

The FIRE Newsdesk is your best source for longer updates and information.

Thank you for your interest in FIRE Texts.

Sign up for FIRE texts
