Reed College
Private University
Portland, Oregon
Speech Code Rating
Guidebook to Reed: Community Policies - Publications and Public Occasions of Expression
Publications, exhibitions, public lectures, and public performances under the sponsorship of the college or of recognized organizations within the Reed Community shall not be subject to institutional censorship. Publications supported wholly by Student Body funds, or by Student Body funds supplemented by…
Guidebook to Reed: Community Policies - Public Speaking and Solicitation
Reed College is committed to the principles of free inquiry and free expression, and this means that expressions of opinions that some people find abhorrent must at times be tolerated.
Guidebook to Reed: Community Policies - Dissent
Reed College considers the right of free speech, and therefore that of dissent to be fundamental to its life as an academic community. The exercise of the right of dissent is not something to be grudgingly tolerated, but actively encouraged.