Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 708.0: Use of University Facilities and Outdoor Space

University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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In general, members of the campus community are expected to utilize the space reservation process to facilitate orderly and coordinated use.  Subject to other provisions of this policy, members of the campus community with a reserved space will have priority over others seeking to use an area during the scheduled time period for an expressive activity. However, this policy does not prevent, or require reservations for, spontaneous and contemporaneous gatherings of members of the campus community to assemble, speak, and distribute literature in outdoor locations that are generally accessible to the campus community, that are not already reserved for another activity, and that do not materially and substantially interfere with other University activities.  Such gatherings are expressly allowed, subject to all other provisions of this and other applicable University policies.
