University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
Public University
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Speech Code Rating
Office of Student Conflict Resolution: Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities - Definitions
Harassing or bullying another person−physically, verbally, or through other means. ... Harassing: conduct directed toward a person that includes repeated or continuing unconsented contact that would cause a reasonable individual to suffer substantial emotional distress and that actually causes the person to…
Dean of Students: Campus Climate Support
Reports of campus climate concerns by U-M students, faculty and staff are addressed by the Campus Climate Support staff. The Campus Climate Support (CCS) staff is committed to providing support for those who may have been targets of or affected by campus…
Office of Student Conflict Resolution: Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students at the University have the same rights and protections under the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Michigan as other citizens. These rights include freedom of expression, press, religion, and assembly. The University has a long tradition of…
Standard Practice Guide Policies: Freedom of Speech and Artistic Expression
Expression of diverse points of view is of the highest importance, not only for those who espouse a cause or position and then defend it, but also for those who hear and pass judgment on that defense. The belief that an opinion…