University of Oregon Policies: Facilities Scheduling

University of Oregon

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
  • Last updated
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University Entity: Refers to groups (including colleges, schools, departments, and other university organizational units, recognized faculty groups, recognized student groups, academic student groups, and self-defined groups of three or more members of the Statutory Faculty, when scheduling any Facility.

Refers to currently employed administrators and staff (including OAs, librarians, classified staff) when scheduling Locally Scheduled Facilities, considered to be part of regular professional activities.

Emeriti faculty may request to schedule Facilities in a manner congruent with the Emeritus Policy.

Non-University Entity: Refers to an individual or organization that is not a University Entity.


Requests for scheduling of UO Facilities by Non-University Entities must be made in writing, using the required forms. University Entities may request to schedule Locally Scheduled Facilities via in-person communication, e-mail, or phone. Entities must disclose the general intended use at the time the user seeks to schedule the facility. Failure to disclose such information may result in denial or cancellation of the reservation.

Request for use of a Facility must be scheduled sufficiently in advance to allow the appropriate university officials to determine if the use is permissible and to make reasonable preparations for the intended use.
