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Speech codes make universities intolerant
But apparently someone forgot to tell that to state Rep. Dan Surra, D-Elk. Surra has been quoted in the news media as calling a committee on which he himself serves a "colossal waste of time."
This "colossal waste" is the bipartisan Select Committee on Student Academic Freedom, established last year via House Resolution 177. For Surra, the committee is unnecessary because "I have never in my 15 years had anyone call me to say their academic freedom has been abused."
Let's leave aside for a moment the obvious untruth and striking arrogance of this statement. What is even more remarkable is that he made it after hearing hours of testimony regarding actual violations of students' constitutional rights at Pennsylvania's public universities, including his alma mater, Penn State.
On Sept. 19, attorney David French, president of the nonpartisan, Philadelphia-based Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, or FIRE, gave the lead testimony in Harrisburg. He told the committee that in 2000, Penn State accused a student group of "discrimination" because in its constitution it claimed certain rights to be "God-given."
And to this day, Penn State has an incredibly Orwellian policy banning "acts of intolerance"-- one of which Surra himself would have committed had he made his "waste of time" comment on campus. The good representative's alma mater defines such acts (which, it says, "will not be tolerated") as "an attitude, feeling or belief in furtherance of which an individual acts to intimidate, threaten or show contempt for other individuals or groups based on characteristics such as political belief."
Calling a committee a "colossal waste of time" surely shows "contempt" for the "political belief" of the folks who voted to create it, does it not? And one might argue a federal judge showed similar "contempt" by -- as French told the committee -- striking down a nearly identical policy at Shippensburg University in 2003.
That's not allegory and hyperbole -- those are two actual, concrete examples of Pennsylvania's flagship university's trampling the Constitution. And there are more.
Take Lincoln University, a state institution located in bucolic Chester County. FIRE recently dubbed an appallingly unconstitutional Lincoln policy its "Speech Code of the Month." Lincoln has the nerve to define "verbal, visual or physical conduct or communication with sexual overtones that the victim deems offensive" as "sexual harassment."
Policies like Penn State's, Lincoln's and IUP's are widespread at Pennsylvania's public universities. That makes one wonder why Surra thinks a committee investigating violations of academic freedom is such as waste of his time. Or why St. Joseph's University professor Robert Moore told The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that he "would like to see more data."
How much more data does one need? Arms of the state, including Surra's own alma mater, are enacting and enforcing clearly unconstitutional policies. In plain English, they're breaking the law, at taxpayer expense. FIRE has documented these abuses in French's testimony, in a report to the Legislature, and in incredible detail in its Web-based database, "Spotlight: The Campus Freedom Resource."
- Academic Freedom
- Litigation
- Politicians
- Faculty Rights
- Student Rights
- Lincoln University
- Pennsylvania State University - University Park
- Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania House of Representatives Select Committee on Student Academic Freedom
- Pennsylvania State University: Charges of ‘Discrimination’ Due to Religious Language in Club Constitution
- Shippensburg University: Speech Code Litigation
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