Emory University
Private University
Atlanta, Georgia
Speech Code Rating
Policy 1.3 Equal Opportunity and Discriminatory Harassment Policy: Discriminatory Harassment
Sexual harassment includes unwelcome conduct, based on sex or gender stereotypes, when; ... Such conduct is so severe and/or pervasive it has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a person’s university employment, academic performance or participation in university programs or…
Policy 8.2 Sex and Gender-Based Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Prohibited Conduct meets the definition of Title IX Misconduct when: ... A Student, Employee, or Third Party engages in unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies another person equal access…
Policy 8.14 Respect for Open Expression Policy
[T]he foundations of this Policy are grounded in the principles of the entire campus being open and available to members to build community through Expression, Protest, and Dissent. As such, all spaces, both indoors and outdoors, are available to support both planned…
Policy 1.3 Equal Opportunity and Discriminatory Harassment Policy
Emory University is an inquiry-driven, ethically engaged, and diverse community dedicated to the ideals of free academic discourse in teaching, scholarship, and community service. Emory University abides by the values of academic freedom and is built on the assumption that contention among…
Policy 8.1: Undergraduate Code of Conduct
Although it is neither possible nor necessary to specify every instance of misconduct that could result in disciplinary action against a student, the following are examples of the types of behavior that are considered violations of this Code. ... Misuse of computer…
Policy 5.1 Information Technology Conditions of Use
Users of Emory’s IT resources may not use those resources for any unethical or illegal purpose, including but not limited to the following: ... Harassing other members of the Emory community; ... Viewing or distributing content, to the extent that doing do…