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Rights and Responsibilities for the Use of Central Network and Computing Resources at Northwestern University: Intellectual Freedom

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    Advertised Commitments to Free Expression
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Intellectual Freedom: The University is a free and open forum for the expression of ideas, including viewpoints that are strange, unorthodox, or unpopular. The University network is the same. Network administrators place no official sanctions upon the expression of personal opinion on…

Student Handbook: Demonstration Policy

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    Advertised Commitments to Free Expression
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Northwestern welcomes the expression of ideas, including viewpoints that may be considered unorthodox or unpopular. The University encourages freedom of speech, freedom of inquiry, freedom of dissent, and freedom to demonstrate in a peaceful fashion.

Student Handbook: Respect NU

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    Policies on Bias and Hate Speech
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A bias incident is an act of conduct, speech, or expression to which a bias motive related to the incident is evident as a contributing factor. ... Bias Incident Reports are reported to and reviewed by the BIRT. The Bias Incident Response…

Student Handbook: Policy Statement on Student Rights and Responsibilities

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    Advertised Commitments to Free Expression
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8. Students will be free from censorship in the publication and dissemination of their views as long as these are not represented as the views of Northwestern University and do not violate any University policies. 9. Student publications are free from any…

Campus Inclusion and Community: Northwestern Policies Overview- Academic Freedom/Freedom of Speech

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    Advertised Commitments to Free Expression
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Northwestern University is committed to the ideals of academic freedom and freedom of speech—to providing a learning environment that encourages a robust, stimulating, and thought-provoking exchange of ideas. Our commitment to addressing bias incidents is not intended to stifle these freedoms, nor…