Speech Code Rating

CR 1.00 Discrimination Harassment and Sexual Misconduct - Harassment

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Harassment: Harassment is a form of Discrimination, which includes Hostile Environment and/or Quid Pro Quo. Hostile Environment: Unwelcome conduct (oral, written, graphic or physical) directed against any individual or group of individuals because of or based upon one or more protected class…

CR 1.00 Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment & Sexual Misconduct - Sexual Harassment

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  • Speech Code Category
    Harassment Policies
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Sexual Harassment: Includes University Sexual Harassment and Title IX Sexual Harassment. University Sexual Harassment: Instances that meet the definition of harassment as outlined in the policy and are based on sex. All such acts of sexual harassment are forms of sexual misconduct…

UNIV 6.00: Freedom of Expression and Access to Campus

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
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Spontaneous Expressive Activity: means nonscheduled meetings, public speaking, performances, demonstrations, rallies, vigils, and other events by members of the University community, including students, student organizations, outside groups whose expression is protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. ... Permissive activity…

STAF 6.26: Student Code of Conduct- Misuse of Institutional Technology

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Misuse of Institutional Technology ... Engaging in disproportionate use of an information technology resource owned or controlled by the university or using an information technology resource for an illegal or intentionally destructive purpose. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, circumventing…

Student Affairs and Academic Support: Carolinian Creed

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The Creed is an aspirational statement that reminds students of the importance of civil discourse while embracing mutual respect for everyone, even those we disagree with. It's not an enforceable code of conduct, nor is it intended to limit freedom of expression…

UNIV 6.00: Freedom of Expression and Access to Campus- Posting of promotional material

  • Policy Rating
  • Speech Code Category
    Posting and Distribution Policies
  • Last Updated
Posters, fliers, temporary outdoor signage, banners, and bulletins may be placed on designated bulletin boards or other structures by Academic or Administrative Units or student organizations in accordance with content neutral rules established by the unit with operational control for the purpose…